Friday, 22 April 2011

Busy Week

[I'm on the left, in the UL first eight a few weeks ago]

For some reason this week has been pretty busy, I had been expecting it to be a bit of calm before the storm. 

On Wednesday I had a medical screening; we have screening at reasonably regular intervals to make sure any possible injury risks are highlighted - and therefore pro-actively addressed before they cause any major damage.  My last test was at the start of the season (three days after an epidural), thankfully I scored a lot higher than last time but it did highlight some inaccuracies that I've already started to address.  Later in the day I had physio and then massage.  My friend Kara came round for dinner - we had wild salmon on tagliatelle with creme fresh, broccoli and leek, served with a side salad  - very nice.

Yesterday I had a full day's training and then met up with Penny and Kate from Threshold Sports to help put some things together for my sponsor's - Atos Origin.  We did some Q & A and generally had a good chat by the river in Richmond.

As per usual, I was training today at 7:30am, we had three sessions plus a core/stretching session with one of our team physio's.  Once training finished I went to chat with our physiologists about all the data they had on me and general interest in how that correlates to my training - I find all that stuff pretty interesting.  I then saw our physio Sally for a quick once over my back, to check that things are moving well and keep progressing.

Feel free to leave any comments or ask any questions.  For those of you that would like to be kept upto date with what is going on, you can enter your email in the box to the left and it will send you an automated email each time I make a post (the email will contain the update I have written.  I hope everyone is enjoying the weather this Good Friday.

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